
We provide the following services:

(Click on either of the blue links below to find out more about the particular service you are interested in. The link will open in a new tab. Links that are not in blue font means they are not working or active yet but will be in due course.)

  • Labour Advisory Services.
  • Business listing on the website @R100 per year.

  • Online news article posting/publication @R100 per article.
    (However, any of the following are permitted to advertise for free):

    -Non Profit Organisation in terms of the NPO Act of 1997
    -Community-based organisations (CBOs)
    -Faith-based organisations (FBOs)
    -Organisations that have registered as Non profit Company (NPC) under the Company Act 61 of 1973
    -Trusts that have registered with Master of the High Court under the Trust Property Control Act 57 of 1988
    -Any other voluntary association or also referred to as “associations of persons”
    -Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) in terms of the Income Tax Act.
    -Any Community Event or Public Event that is in the interest of raising funds whether it be for the community, the underprivileged such as the elderly, orphanages, the disabled, old age homes and such like.
  • We assist with the importation of products from overseas into South Africa.
  • We assist with the exportation of South African products into other countries around the world.
  • Verification Service @R400 per year and includes the Business Listing on the website.

  • Tour Guiding Services to the various popular and famous tourist attractions in Volksrust.
  • Lots of free, valuable and accurate information on our blog pertaining to the history of this town as well as other pertinent information that would be of interest to the residents of Volksrust such as load shedding and so on. Visit our blog and click on the “categories” link to see all that we are offering for free.