The Volksrust Recorder: 1 April 2024

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Kindly take note: Clicking on any of the images used in the news articles below will open the image in a new tab which will also be enlarged for maximum view.

1. VHS: Grade 8 Inauguration.

On Thursday, 29 February 2024, the newest members of Volkies symbolically received their blazers.

Vir weke moes die graad 8’s leer van hul nuwe tuiste. Hulle moes leer van Volkies se standvastige waardes en kosbare tradisies. Nadat hierdie groep suksesvol geleer het om trotse Volkies te wees, het hierdie aand uiteindelik aangebreek.

These junior Volkies proudly signed their pledges and put on their blazers. For the first time, this evening, the grade 8s participated in the school’s war cry led by the Executive Committee.

New Volkies, may you always remember: Sic vos non vobis – not for one, but for all.


2. VHS: Rika Rossouw verower Silwermedalje by Overvaal Bergrit.

Die passie en vasberadenheid van Rika Rossouw is onmiskenbaar na haar glansryke vertoning by die Overvaal bergrit. In ‘n stryd wat geteiken is op die elite 18+ en 19+ kategorieë, het Rika haarself onderskei deur die silwermedalje in die bergfietswedren te verower.

Die derde posisie algeheel en tweede plek in die 19+ kategorie, met ‘n tyd wat amper identies is aan die voorste ryers, getuig van Rika se ongelooflike talent en uithouvermoë. Sy het bewys dat sy ‘n gedugte mededinger is in die.


3. VHS: Francois de Jager en Danél de Jager by Overvaal Ermelo Bergfietsgeleentheid.

Verlede naweek het die dinamiese duo van Francois de Jager en Danél de Jager hul uitsonderlike talent ten toon gestel by die Overvaal Ermelo bergfietsgeleentheid, waar hulle hul merk op die ruwe terrein oor ‘n uitdagende 45-kilometer baan agtergelaat het.

In ‘n opwindende vertoning van vaardigheid en vasberadenheid, het Francois die silwermedalje in die junior-kategorie (17-19) verower. Sy prestasie was niks minder as merkwaardig nie, terwyl hy die verraderlike terrein genavigeer het.

Intussen het Danél na oorwinning gestyg in die jeugkategorie (15-17) en die goue medalje behaal. Haar uitmuntende rit het presisie en spoed uitgebeeld.

Baie geluk aan hierdie twee Volkies, wat ons skool se naam altyd hoog hou.


4. Volksrust High School Netball Matches Against Sarel Cilliers.

Volksrust High School Netball Matches Against Sarel Cilliers.

Last Saturday our high school teams showcased their exceptional skill and determination.

The under-16 netball team emerged as the stars of the day, securing a commanding victory with a resounding 17-8 win. Spearheading their triumph was standout player Abongile Mbata. Her outstanding performance earned her the well-deserved title of Player of the Game.

The under-15 netball team showcased their prowess with a resounding 15-9 win. Juanè Meyer’s standout performance earned her recognition as the Player of the Game.

The under-14 squad exhibited unwavering determination, delivering a stellar performance despite facing formidable opponents. Anele Mothopeng emerged as the standout player of the match.

Karabo Motloung’s remarkable performance earned her the title of Player of the Game for the second team and Vutomi Makhubele’s outstanding performance earned her the title of 1st Team Player of the Game.

As the high school netball season progresses, these victories stand as a testament to the hard work and dedication of each player and coach.


5. Hoërskool Volksrust stuur atlete na Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe in styl / Volksrust High School Sends Athletes to South African Championships in Style.

In ‘n treffende blyk van toewyding en omgee vir hul studente, het Hoërskool Volksrust die vervoer van vier van hul atlete na die Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe in die Paarl na ‘n heel nuwe vlak geneem. Die skool het besluit om die onkostes vir die vliegkaartjies van die atlete te betaal, ‘n gebaar wat die droom van hierdie jong atlete om op die nasionale verhoog te skitter, werklikheid maak.

In plaas van ‘n uitputtende 26-uur busrit, sal Matthew, Khetho, Luyandah en Xian die lugruim kies, onder die voogdyskap van ‘n toegewyde onderwyseres, juffrou Zuzané van der Merwe. Hierdie stap van die skool illustreer nie net hul geloof in die potensiaal van hul studente nie, maar ook hul verbintenis tot hul welsyn en sukses.

Die hoof van Hoërskool Volksrust, mev. Marinda Smit, het hierdie inisiatief as ‘n vertoon van die skool se toewyding tot die uitmuntendheid van elke student beskryf. “Ons glo in die belangrikheid om ons leerders se drome te ondersteun en hulle te ondersteun op elke tree van hul reis na sukses,” het mev. Smit gesê. “Die deelname aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe is ‘n geleentheid vir hierdie atlete om hul vaardighede te wys en ons skool se naam hoog te hou. Ons is trots om hulle te ondersteun en glo dat hulle die beste van hulself sal gee.”

Met die vertrek van hierdie atlete en juffrou van der Merwe, dra die Hoërskool Volksrust die wense van die hele gemeenskap saam met hulle. Die skool sien uit na die glansryke prestasies van Matthew, Khetho, Luyandah en Xian en glo vas dat hulle die gees van ware kompetisie en uitmuntendheid sal verteenwoordig. Bon voyage en baie sterkte aan hierdie trotse verteenwoordigers van Hoërskool Volksrust!

In a striking display of dedication and care for their students, Volksrust High School has taken the transportation of four of their athletes to the South African Championships in Paarl to an entirely new level. The school has decided to cover the expenses for the flight tickets of the athletes, a gesture that turns the dream of these young athletes to shine on the national stage into reality.

Instead of an exhausting 26-hour bus journey, Matthew, Khetho, Luyandah and Xian will take to the skies, under the guardianship of a dedicated teacher, Ms Zuzané van der Merwe. This move by the school not only demonstrates their belief in the potential of their students but also their commitment to their well-being and success.

The principal of Volksrust High School, Mrs Marinda Smit, described this initiative as a demonstration of the school’s dedication to the excellence of every student. “We believe in the importance of supporting our students’ dreams and assisting them at every step of their journey to success,” Mrs Smit said. “Participation in the South African Championships is an opportunity for these athletes to showcase their skills and uphold the name of our school. We are proud to support them and believe they will give their best.”

With the departure of these athletes and Ms van der Merwe, Volksrust High School carries the wishes of the entire community with them. The school looks forward to the illustrious achievements of Matthew, Khetho, Luyandah and Xian, and firmly believes that they will represent the spirit of true competition and excellence. Bon voyage and best wishes to these proud representatives of Volksrust High School!


6. VHS: Rugby vs Sarel Cilliers.

Despite the intense competition, the true spirit of sportsmanship prevailed and several standout players emerged, leaving an indelible mark on the match.

For Volksrust High School’s 1st team, Kieme Mndaweni showcased an exceptional performance that earned him the esteemed title of Man of the Match. In the 2nd team encounter, Kwanele Nxumalo distinguished himself to recognition as Man of the Match. In the under-16 division, Bronwin Martins stood out as Man of the Match. The under-15 category witnessed Monwabisi Mkhalipi delivering a standout performance, making him a deserving recipient of the Man of the Match accolade. Lastly, Aphelele Sithole’s exceptional display in under-14 earned him the title of Man of the Match.

Congratulations to each of these exceptional players on their well-deserved achievements and may their passion for the game continue to shine brightly in future contests.


7. Hoërskool Volksrust Se Hokkiespanne Oortref Sarel Cilliers Hoërskool.

Volksrust Hoërskool se meisies spanne het ‘n oorwinning behaal teen Sarel Cilliers Hoërskool in ‘n reeks wedstryde. Die hoërskool se Hokkie meisies het hul teenstanders oorheers in ‘n indrukwekkende vertoning van vaardighede en beheer.

Die onder 14 span het ‘n soliede vertoning gelewer met ‘n 2-0 oorwinning teen hul teenstanders. Kayleigh Olivier, graad 8, is aangewys as die speler van die wedstryd.

In die onder 15 afdeling het die Volksrust meisies ‘n oorweldigende 7-0 oorwinning behaal teen Sarel Cilliers. Elizka Botha, graad 9, het skitter in die wedstryd en is tereg aangewys as die speler van die wedstryd.

Die onder 16 meisies het ook hul teenstanders verslaan met ‘n indrukwekkende 4-0 telling. Leanné Moll, graad 10, word aangewys as die speler van die wedstryd.

Die tweede span het nie agtergebly nie en het ook ‘n oorwinning van 4-0 behaal teen Sarel Cilliers. Thatho Pitjeng, graad 11, is erken as die speler van die wedstryd.

Laastens het die eerste span ook hul kragte gewys deur ‘n oorwinning van 4-0 teen Sarel Cilliers te behaal. Nontobeko Mthembu, graad 12, is tereg aangewys as die speler van die wedstryd.

Die Hoërskool Volksrust se Hokkie meisies het ‘n uitsonderlike vertoning gelewer en toon ‘n baie belowende toekoms vir die skool se Hokkieprogram.


8. Volkies is trots op hul atletiekafrigters.

Hoërskool Volksrust vier trots die sukses van hul atlete wat gekwalifiseer het om aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe deel te neem. Die skool is veral verheugd oor die prestasies van die atletiekafrigters me. Nicolette Strydom, me. Liezel Truter en mnr. Martin le Roux, wat die atlete met passie en toewyding afrig.

Me. Nicolette Strydom het uitgeblink in die afrigting van hekkies, wat gelei het tot die kwalifikasie van Xian Meyer in die 100 m hekkies en Khetho Thwala in die 110 m hekkies

Me. Liezel Truter het uitgeblink in die afrigting van kortafstande wat gelei het tot die kwalifikasie van Xian Meyer in die 100 m en Luyandah Magubane in die 200 m en 400 m.

Mnr. Martin le Roux het die gewigstootafdeling uitstekend afgerig, wat tot die kwalifikasie van Matthew MacDonald vir die SA Kampioenskappe gelei het.

Die skoolhoof, personeel, en mede-leerders wens hierdie atlete sterkte en sukses toe vir die komende kampioenskappe. Hierdie prestasie beklemtoon die harde werk en toewyding van die atlete en hul afrigters.


9. Akademiese uitslae vir Volkies.

Graad 12


Francois de Jager 97, Dawid Groenewald 93, Nqobile Bhembe 85, Anoushke Houy 80


Danelle van der Watt 90, Paulos Gebeyehu 80, Kristel Nieuwoudt 80

English First Additional Language Long Transactional Writing

Francois de Jager 97, Anoushke Houy 93, Nkosinathi Ngwenya 90, Vutomi Makhubele 83, Danelle van der Watt 83, Nerissa van Heerden 83, Danica Venter 83, Danielle Venter 83, Carli Cromhout 80, Dawid Groenewald 80, Ewald Moll 80, Anoushca Mostert 80, Chanel Pretorius 80

English Home Language Comprehension and Language

Zimi Thwala 88, Pulane Makitla 87, Nasiha Moola 82, Mohammad Sema 82, Paulos Gebeyehu 81, Ongeziwe Madi 80, Precious Twala 80

Graad 11


Kamva Matiwane 84, Lesego Mongane 81, Andile Fihlela 80

Fisiese Wetenskappe

Johnathan Koekemoer 94, Nardos Mesfin 92, Thobile Dlamini 83, Lesego Mongane 82

English First Additional Language

Jessica Delport 90, San-Marie Schoeman 90, Theo Smith 85, Johan van der Walt 85, Pierzian Pietersen 83, Tamia Potgieter 83, Megan Coertze 80, Bernique Janse van Rensburg 80

Graad 10


Mia Myburgh 87, Zamakuhle Ngwenya 85, Carla Viviers 84

Inligtingstegnologie Prakties

Keegan Jacobs 86, Daniel Venter 86


Mia Myburgh 93, Husnaa Parak 89, Minenhle Sibiya 89, Zariska van der Merwe 88, Naomi van der Schyf 88, Aishah Moolla 85, Mpho Kubheka 84, Lathitha Mngomezulu 83, Vanessa Mkhize 81

Graad 9

Afrikaans Huistaal Opstel

Mia Cronje 90, Juane Meyer 80

Afrikaans Huistaal Taalleer

Mia Cronje 84, Marlize van der Merwe 83, Stefanie Schoeman 81, Shawn Delport 80


Nomadlozi Ngwenya 93, Yoridanos Manito 90, Stef Coetzer 88, Mary-Jane Nagel 87, Marlize van der Merwe 87, Summer Gordon 85, Amahle Mkhwanazi 85, Ayesha Badat 85, Zaid Chotia 82, Simbarashe Nkosi 82, Mia Cronje 82, Hope Shiba 80

English Home Language

Imaan Moola 93, Mawele Rhofiwa 91, Amahle Manyathi 90, Ayesha Badat 90, Yoridanos Manito 89, Sphosethu Jele 87, Zaid Chothia 86, Nomadlozi Ngwenya 84, Ziyanda Maboea 84, Ncedolwethu Nyembe 83, Thembi Shiba 81, Amahle Mkwanazi 80

Graad 8

Wiskunde Opdrag

Sameeha Chothia 96, Olwethu Khumalo 84, Fezeka Ntuli 84, Minenhle Maseko 82, Masana Shivambu 82, Johannes Groenewald 80, Bernoe Janse van Rensburg 80, Lubanzi Madlala 80, Tyron Visser 80

Wiskunde Termyntoets

Masana Shivambu 94, Tyron Visser 88, Zesizwe Shangase 84, Lubanzi Madlala 84, Simphiwe Seme 80, Sipho Nkomo 80, Lesedi More 80

Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Taalleer

Ayesha Badat 93, Sandiswa Khoza 92, Siphosethu Jele 90, Ziyanda Maboea 89, Yoridanos Manito 87, Simbarashe Nkosi 87, Amahle Manyathi 86, Nqobani Mayisela 86, Imaan Moola 82, Zaydrian Harry 82, Summer Gordon 80, Zaid Chothia 80, Siyabulela Radebe 80


10. In Loving Memory of: Dr Ari van der Wouden

The Volksrust Recorder would like to send condolences to the family of Dr van der Wouden on his recent passing. It is said that he was a wonderful and caring doctor who gave his life, profession and career to the people and town of Volksrust. May his soul rest in peace.





Lefra Produksies, wat reeds die titel van “die klugkonings” van Suid-Afrika van heinde en verre ontvang het, beplan om ‘n nuwe Ray Cooney-klug vanjaar op te voer, MY BOETIE SE SUSSIE SE OU. Lefra Produksies, wat vanjaar hul dertigste jaar in die bedryf vier, het so pas aangekondig dat hulle op Donderdag, 4 April 2024 oudisies vir verskeie rolle sal doen by die AfriForum Teater in Pretoria.  Belangstellendes kan Lefra Produksies skakel by 011 815 3000 of die volgende aanlyn vorm so gou as moontlik invul:

As jy dink jou lewe is ingewikkeld, plaas jouself vir ‘n oomblik in John Smith se skoene, daardie taxi-bestuurder van My Vrou se Man se Vrou met twee vrouens, en nou ook twee gesinne!  Dis reg, in My Boetie se Sussie se Ou is dit agtien jaar later en hou John steeds twee families in verskillende dele van Londen aan, beide dolgelukkig en salig onbewus van mekaar.  Maar wanneer sy twee tieners, ‘n dogter van die een gesin en ‘n seun van die ander, mekaar op ‘n internetkletskamer raak gesels en angstig besluit om mekaar in die persoon te ontmoet, versnel John se reeds gejaagde lewe tot in die hoogste rat, en moet hy spook om hulle uitmekaar te hou.  My Boetie se Sussie se Ou is die Afrikaanse vertaling van Ray Cooney se Caught in the Net,en onder die regie van Suid-Afrika se eie klugkoning Frans Swart.  Die produksie besoek vanjaar en volgende teaters en feeste regoor Suid-Afrika, en maak selfs ‘n draai aanboord die MSC Musica vir die Oppiwater Kunstefees!

Lefra Produksies ontvang graag aansoeke vir die volgende rolle:

  1. John Smith | Manlik | 30s – 40s | John is skerp en vindingryk, ‘n taxibestuurder wat baie gewoon voorkom, behalwe dat hy ‘n bigamis is!  Die rol vereis uitstekende komiese tydsberekening en fisieke veelsydigheid;
  2. Stanley Gardner | Manlik | 30s – 40s| John se huurder, wat uiteindelik in John se bedrieglike intriges bygesleep word.  Stanley is selfvondaan en slim (maar tog lui), maar hy is ‘n goeie vriend.  Die rol is fisies veeleisend;
  3. Mary Smith | Vroulik | 30s – 40s | John se een vrou.  Mary blyk aanvanklik in beheer te wees, maar ‘n reeks onverwagte situasies gooi haar geleidelik heeltemal uit balans.  Die rol kan fisies en vokaal veeleisend wees, aangesien die akteur ‘n hele reeks emosies moet kan uitvoer – sjarmant tot gefrustreerd, dramaties tot woedend en verward met histeries en gille.  Sexy;
  4. Barbara Smith | Vroulik | 30s –40s | John se tweede vrou, gelukkig getroud en niksvermoedend (aan die begin).  Soos die karakter van Mary, benodig Barbara goeie komiese tydsberekening;
  5. Gavin Smith | Manlik | 20s | John en Barbara se tienerseun;
  6. Vicky Smith | Vroulik | 20s | John en Mary se dogter;
  7. Dêda | Manlik | 50s – 70s | Stanley se pa, naby aan sy 80s.  Hy wissel tussen seniliteit en waaksaamheid, en praat soms onder-die-belt!

Vir ons huidige klug, My Vrou se Man se Vrou, ontvang Lefra Produksies ook aansoeke vir een van die rolle vir ons laaste speelvakke, waarvcan die eerste een vanaf 11 tot 14 Julie by die AfriForum Teater plaasvind.  Dit is vir die volgende rol:

  1. Speursersant Porterhouse | Manlik | 30s – 60s | Porterhouse is ‘n ervare polisie-speurder. Bedagsaam en met deernis.  Sy geloof in die goedheid van alle mense kan hom naïef laat voorkom.  Kom soms verward oor.

Oudisies vir al die bogenoemde rolle word gehou op Donderdag, 4 April by die AfriForum Teater, Greenlyn Village-sentrum, h.v. Thomas Edison- en 13de Straat, Menlopark, Pretoria.  Akteurs wat oudisies wil kom aflê, kan gerus gerus die volgende vorm voltooi:  Nie alle aansoeke gaan outomaties genooi word vir die oudisie nie, maar slegs diegene wat ons geidentifiseer het.  Akteurs sal gekontak word indien ‘n akteur vir ‘n oudisie genooi word.  Vir meer inligting skakel Charl Senekal by (011) 815 3000.   Oudisietekste sala an gekeurde akteurs gestuur word en daar word van alle candidate verwag om “woordvas” te wees.   Daar sal ook ‘n professionele aktrise teenwoordig wees by die oudisies om die ander teenoor kandidaat in te lees.


13. Tuks destroy UKZN, Madibaz and Varsity College continue to build momentum.

For the second week in a row, FNB UP-Tuks swept past their opponents when they thoroughly beat FNB UKZN in round five of the 2024 FNB Varsity Shield competition. FNB Madibaz had no problems in an away fixture against FNB TUT and FNB Varsity College won comfortably against FNB CPUT at home. In the Eastern Cape, FNB WSU won the battle of the neighbours against FNB UFH.


FNB UP-Tuks are on a roll with their second runaway victory in succession. Last week it was debutants FNB Varsity College and this time it was FNB UKZN at the receiving end of a 69-3 drubbing at the Howard College Stadium in Durban.

The man of the moment was hooker Henry Till who was deservedly named as the FNB Player That Rocks after crashing over the try line no less than four times.

Till and Walter Visser combined for the first 14 points on the board for the Stripe Generation before Kyle Cyster trashed his way through the Impi defence to add his name to the growing list of try scorers.

Ill-disciplined play by UKZN captain Tino Mazindhu led to a penalty try for the visitors.

Another try by Till, contributions by Marco Venter and Tharquinn Thane Manuel in this department and a Visser penalty brought the half-time score to 52-0.

In the second 40 minutes, the flow stemmed somewhat but not before Kobus Janse van Rensburg, Bayanda Ngubane and that man Till once again crossed the whitewash.

A lone Khanya Kama penalty late in the match meant that UKZN avoided a zero on the scoreboard.


FNB UP-Tuks 69 (52) – Tries: Henry Till (4), Kyle Cyster, Penalty Try, Marco Venter, Tharquinn Thane Manuel, Kobus Janse van Rensburg, Bayanda Ngubane. Conversions: Walter Visser (7). Penalties: Walter Visser.

FNB UKZN 3 (0) – Penalties: Khanya Kama

FNB Player That Rocks: Henry Till (FNB UP-Tuks)

FNB UP-TUKS: Bambolunye Samkelo Dlamini, Henry Edwin Till, Jacobus Johan Louw, Cayno Douglas February, Roald Hattingh, Kamohelo Tlome, Haydn Scott Kemp, Dillon Shane Smith, Daimon O’Connell, Walter Visser, Nqubeko Sbongakonke Mkwanazi, Kobus Janse van Rensburg, Tharquinn Thane Manuel, Bayanda Ngubane Ngubane, Kyle Edward Cyster.

FNB UKZN: Benjamin Maseko, Qhawe Praiseworthy Ndabezinhle Nxumalo, Ulrich Cameron Walker, Wilhelm Fenske, Mumbo Nzama Nzama, Wela-Aphumele Mnata Takata, Kwandile Mthethwa, Tinotenda Mazhindu, Zak Richard Smith, Khanya Junior Kama, Zamakuhle Zulu, Russell Adrian Fick, Singele Mkhize, Jarryd Nicholls, Cham Zondeki.


FNB Madibaz kept their unblemished record with a convincing 29-7 victory over FNB TUT in Pretoria. The half-time score was 26-0.

It was the visitors from the Eastern Cape who drew the first blood when Kyle Erasmus dotted down from a driving maul inside the first 10 minutes.

TUT were looking to strike back immediately and went all the way to the try line three times. The Pretoria however fell short on each occasion. Madibaz on the other hand continued their dominance in the set pieces and were awarded with a penalty try when TUT prop Lawrence Nong committed an infringement in the maul.

Erasmus then powered over to complete his brace. Kehan Myburgh made no mistake from the tee and the Madibaz continued to build on a healthy lead.

TUT’s first chance for points in the second half fell short when flyhalf Mihlali Bam failed to boot over a penalty. They also kept losing possession with their handling not up to par.

At one point the home side were reduced to 14 men when Knowledge Chaira was sent to the sin bin.

TUT kept knocking and were finally rewarded with a consolidation try in the dying minutes of the second half when Vuyani Vanga flew over the try line with Luke van Aardt converting to end the game.


FNB Madibaz 29 (26) – Tries: Kyle Erasmus (2), Penalty Try, Christopher Kachungunu. Conversions: Kehan Myburgh (2). Penalty: Kehan Myburgh.

FNB TUT 7 (0) – Tries: Vuyani Vanga. Conversion: Luke van Aardt.

FNB Player That Rocks: Leon van der Merwe (FNB Madibaz)

FNB Madibaz: Imibongo Mvuleni, Kyle Erasmus, Andries Johannes Flemming, Marthinus Strydom, Christopher Cikuru Kachungunu, Mzwakhe Kevin Hlupheko, Alwaba Liyema Elam Bobelo, Leon van der Merwe, Mpumelelo Solani Mavuso, Raashied Conrad, Henry Edward Frederick Kruger, Janco Albert van der Walt, Buhlebemvelo Fipaza, Qurin Cupido, Kehan Myburgh.

FNB TUT: Mxolisi Innocent Nzama, Jandre van Zyl, Lawrence Nong, Lwazi Lwandile Dlamini, Thato Mopedi, Knowledge Chaira, Lutho Luxolo Tom, Kgomotso Samuel Chuene Maribana, Buhlebuyeza Sthandwa Tebogo Ndunakazi, Mihlali Sipho Bam, Vuyani Vanqa, Josh Sandile Robinson Robinson, Sean-B Kagiso Tshego, Khotso Segale, Mauritz Maritz.


FNB Varsity College are continuing with their impressive debut season when they beat FNB CPUT 38-23 at the IIE Varsity College in Durban.

It was the visitors however who were first to score when Keenan Williams took advantage of the bounce of the ball to score the first of his two tries. Keewan Titus was unsuccessful with the conversion.

A quick sprint from Macmillian Mudara played a massive role and made it easy for Varsity College captain AB Mthembu to finish off taking the score line to 7-5 as Frederick Marx converted successfully.

Marx and Juan Steyl then added their names to the scoreboard with Marx also adding two conversions. In between the two Varsity College tries, Titus slotted a penalty for CPUT from 20 meters out taking the score to 21-8 for the home side.

The two sides then traded more tries with Williams scoring his brace for CPUT and Johan Viljoen crossing over for Varsity College’s bonus point. The home team led 26-13 at half-time.

Coming back from the break, Steyl secured his brace as Marx converted successfully taking the score to 33-13.

CPUT staged a comeback late in the match with back-to-back tries from Kieran Naidoo and Wehan Kruger.

Viljoen however put down any thoughts of a come-from-behind win from the visitors when he went over for his second try for Varsity College and sealed an important victory with the play-offs looming.


FNB Varsity College 38 (26) – Tries: Abande Mthembu, Juan Steyl (2), Frederick Marx, Johan Viljoen (2). Conversions: Frederick Marx (4).

FNB CPUT 23 (13) – Tries: Keenan Williams (2), Keirnan Naidoo, Wehan Kruger. Penalty: Keewan Titus.

FNB Player That Rocks: MacMillan Mudara (FNB Varsity College)

FNB Varsity College: Sonwabo Simthembile Maseko, Jacques Theron du Toit Marais, Siyabonga Luyanda Dube, Garren Müller, Werner Johan Coetzee, Michael Jonathan Horak, Sinelifa Mmangaliso Ncwana, Juan Orde Steyl, Abande Mpumelelo Mthembu, Frederick Nicolaas Marx, Mbasa Nkonki, Luke Christopher Horak, Macmillian Zvikomborero Mudara, Sivuyisiwe Mpendu, Tshegofatso Ramaloko.

FNB CPUT: Emihle Akho Benya, Lihle Lindisipho Kula, Kieran Delaan Naidoo, Ntsako Ashley Mhlanga, Lwando Woji, Lungelo Lethukuthula Kubheka, Duke Somila Shasha, Ayabulela Zono, Jayson January, Keewan Titus, Keenan Williams, Timothy Matthew Shortles, Iwaan Bloys, Danielle Israel Padiachy, Keene Munnick.


FNB WSU snapped a three-game losing streak when they beat arch-rivals FNB UFH 29-5 at the Sisa Dukashe Stadium in Mdanstsane. The half-time score was 17-5.

The hosts started on a high note when they took an early lead in the eighth minute thanks to a storming try by inside centre Hlumelo Zitha. He would quickly turn villain however following a dangerous tackle straight from the kick-off following his try.

A little dink by All Black flyhalf Maxwell Curtley Klaasen four minutes later saw WSU fullback Beon Fernell Hartnick finish off a well-executed move that emanated from a line-out close to the opposition try line.

The Fort Hare Blues, through left-wing speedster Hlumelo Pangwa, scored a try of their own in the corner in the 28th-minute to see the visitors restore some dignity.

One of WSU’s most impressive players of the season, Mangaliso Zixesha, would open his account with a quintessential hooker try after finishing off a rolling maul.

Yet another enthralling backline try by WSU would see Hartnick cross the whitewash for his second try increasing the lead to 24 – 5 just after the players returned to the field following the half-time break.

Zixesha added his second try following a rolling maul in the 56th minute.


FNB WSU 29 (17) – Tries: Mangaliso Zixesha (2), Beon Fernell Hartnick (2), Hlumelo Zitha.

Conversions: Maxwell Curtley Klaasen

FNB UFH 5 (5) – Tries: Hlumolo Pangwan.

FNB Player That Rocks: Khanya Solani (FNB WSU)

FNB WSU: Ayabonga Masivuye Spelt, Mangaliso Zixesha, Sinethemba Zwelonke, Kamva Tetani, Lutho Mampunye, Khanya Solani, Pernell Mervian Mandes, Esethu Zenani, Esenam Mniki, Maxwell Curtley Klaasen, Achumile Sikho Gaushe, Hlumelo Zitha, Awonke Sondishe, Bulelani Amyoli Nondlwana, Beon Frendel Hartnick.

FNB UFH: Mesuli Sinovuyo Samkele Nzima, Kamvelihle Fatyela, Bulela Magopeni, Mpho Kensly Jnr Ramahala, Cinga Nqotyana, Anda Simanga, Kamvelihle Gcweka, Yanga Gazi, Sinalo Jivana, Apiwe Sidloyi, Okuhle Pangwa, Ryan Kelly Maree, Lakheni Majali, Bulumko Mfundisi, Cyril Mphatsoe.


14. Volksrust JKA Karateka Excel at NKZN JKA Karate Championships.

The Northern Kwa-Zulu Natal JKA Karate Championships were held on 9 March 2024 at the Farmers’ Hall in Newcastle. There were 174 events with 161 karateka competing and a combined total of 314 entries from Newcastle, Dundee, Vryheid, Ladysmith, Piet Retief, Hluhluwe, Greytown and Volksrust.

A table officials and judges’ course, led by Sensei Warren Bainton, JKA 6th Dan and National SA JKA Tournament Director, was held on the Friday evening prior to the competition and a recap meeting was held at 07h00 on the day to review the tournament rules & regulations and competition structure. The championship was opened at 09h00 with a tuck shop and pancake sales ensuring that spectators were also catered for during the event.

The NKZN Tournament Director and Head of the Northern Kwa-Zulu Natal JKA region and JKA 5th Dan, Sensei Johan Swart expressed his gratitude to the parents and competitors “without whom the event would not be possible.” He also confirmed his appreciation to his team saying that: “The tournament would not be as successful without the people working behind the scenes and especially Sensei Warren Bainton, JKA 6th Dan and National SA JKA Tournament Director from SA JKA who travelled from Johannesburg to oversee the championships.”

Eighteen karateka from the Volksrust JKA dojo participated at the Provincial Championships, bringing home 16 gold, 8 silver and 4 bronze medals respectively.

Winners from the Volksrust JKA Dojo were as follows:

David Gomes – Gold for kata and kumite respectively

Meg Gallie – Silver for kata and kumite respectively

Ewin Venter – Bronze for kata

Michaela Venter – Gold for kata and silver for kumite

Nathan van der Watt – Gold for kata

Hannah van der Watt – Gold for kata and kumite respectively

Khazimla Mjali – Silver for kumite

Ethan Ferreira – Silver for kata and kumite respectively

Emke Theron – Gold for kata and kumite respectively

Elijah Oosthuizen – Gold for kata and kumite respectively

Ngcebo Dlamini – Silver for kata and gold for kumite

Jesse Hatley – Silver for kata and bronze for kumite

Anthony van der Watt – Gold for kata and kumite respectively

Shaugne van der Watt – Gold for kata

Valencia Kisten – Gold for kata and kumite respectively

Divan Ueckermann – Bronze for kata and kumite respectively

Karateka who placed in the top four in their respective divisions will be representing Natal and competing at the SA JKA National Championships which will be held in Johannesburg on 17 & 18 May 2024 where the SA JKA National Team up to 17 years old will be selected. Trials will be held on 1 June for the 19 years and older where the Senior SA JKA National team will be selected. These karateka will be competing at the Gichin Funakoshi Cup which will be held on 25 to 27 October 2024 at the Takasaki Arena in Tokyo, Japan.

Anyone wanting to join or requesting information regarding classes and fees are welcome to contact Sensei Johan Swart at 083 658 7157.


15. Easter break travel guidance.

With South Africans preparing for their annual Easter holiday to the beach, ‘berg and worship venues all over the country, Netcare 911 has compiled a safety guide as a handy reference for travellers.  

Sarah Kekana, Netcare 911 spokesperson, says that as thousands of travellers set off for their well-deserved rest and relaxation or worship time, the staff of Netcare 911 will be hard at work, ready to provide emergency medical care if help is needed.

She urges those who can to avoid travelling on peak traffic days, which this year fall on Friday, 29 March, and Monday, 1 April. “These are often high-incident days on the road due to traffic congestion. Plan your route in advance and take note of any alternate routes you could utilise in case of any unexpected delays or road closures.”

Planning your travel

“It doesn’t take long to ensure your car is ready and roadworthy well before your trip. This basic vehicle check at home could save you time and money once you hit the road,” says Kekana.

  • Check the lights are working
  • Make sure your brakes are functioning well
  • Check the tread and condition of your tyres, and make sure your spare tyre is inflated. Check that the tools needed to change a tyre are on hand
  • Pack a basic toolbox
  • Top up your water, oil and windscreen washer liquid
  • Make sure your driver’s licence and car licence are up to date
  • Clean your car windows and rear-view mirrors

It’s essential to have a well-stocked first aid kit in your car in case emergencies arise. Kekana recommends that the following items be included in your first aid kit:

  • Cotton wool balls
  • A digital thermometer
  • Medical gloves
  • Eye protection
  • A Burnshield dressing or gel
  • A variety of bandage sizes
  • Antiseptic wipes and liquid
  • A space blanket
  • Safety pins
  • Scissors and tweezers
  • Plasters and medical tape
  • Paracetamol tablets and syrup

“Also, check in advance if you need any prophylactic medication or vaccines for the area you’ll be travelling to. Parts of South Africa are malaria areas, mainly along the border areas of Limpopo, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal, so make sure you take anti-malarial medication as required. Pregnant women should get medical advice about travelling to malaria areas and whether it is safe for them to drive long distances,” she warns.

“Always take any prescription medication with you, ensuring you have enough to cover your stay away. Insect repellent is often also a good idea to have in your suitcase,” suggests Kekana.

While driving

“Be patient. The roads will be busy, and it is important to have consideration for other road users. Keep your cool because when tempers flare on the roads, the outcome can be fatal,” says Kekana.

Remember, the driver must ensure that everyone is buckled up safely in their seats. Babies and children should be strapped into reliable, age-appropriate car seats.

Keep those travelling with you safe by ensuring you never engage in distracted driving. Ask a passenger to monitor traffic reports and alerts on X (formerly Twitter) and road travel apps for you. Listen to the local regional radio service to tune into their traffic reports.

  • Speed really does kill. Stick to the speed limit.
  • Don’t drive if you have consumed alcohol or taken drugs.
  • There’s no harm in listening to a podcast or your favourite music to keep the boredom at bay while the kilometres roll by. Just make sure to get a passenger to find and play them for you.
  • Keep a safe travelling distance of at least three seconds, and double this in wet weather.
  • You should stop every two hours in well-lit, safe areas away from the roadside to stretch your legs and rest.
  • Keep well-hydrated and keep the inside temperature of your car cool while driving.

At your destination

“On holiday, everyone can enjoy themselves safely and sensibly,” says Kekana. She offers these tips to keep safe:

  • If you go to the beach, only swim in designated areas under the guidance of lifeguards when it is safe to do so.
  • If you’re near water, watch your children at all times and they should not wander off alone without an adult escort.
  • Never swim on your own or after drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Stay away from the water if you are feeling ill or tired. Don’t allow rough and tumble horseplay near water.
  • With highly publicised problems surrounding beach and river pollution, it is important not to swim or participate in water sports in potentially contaminated water. Check the local media to see where the polluted areas are. Never dive into water if you don’t know how deep it is or what may lurk beneath the surface.
  • Limit your exposure to the sun to before 11 am and after 3 pm, and use sunblock with a high sun protection factor, reapplying it often, even in overcast weather. Wear a hat.
  • Be careful of what and where you eat.  
  • Never hike alone; always fill in the mountain register so the resort knows where you are.
  • Check the weather forecast before engaging in outdoor activities. Extreme heat or forecasted thunderstorms could mean you need to replan your day.
  • Please don’t assume a place is safe simply because it seems like a friendly holiday destination. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid walking alone.

Help is on hand

“If the unthinkable happens and you need help in a medical emergency, contact Netcare 911 on 082 911 or download the Netcare App in advance to easily reach us,” says Kekana.

The Netcare App includes emergency call and geolocation functions to assist in minimising response times by precisely locating callers – even in remote areas or if the caller doesn’t know the address. The Netcare App also includes a Netcare 911 60-second call back option and provides tracking of the ambulance and response vehicles’ estimated arrival time.


16. Everyday medicines can damage your kidneys. Here’s what you need to know.

The medicines you use on a regular basis could be harming your kidneys. Knowing how to protect your kidneys can help prevent you from developing chronic kidney disease and other life-threatening conditions.

All drugs can have a negative effect on kidney health, whether they are prescribed or over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, or chronic consumption of illegal drugs or alcohol. Even some medicines given to people in hospital can cause kidney disease. A study by the American Academy of Family Physicians cites that up to 20% of kidney damage in a population could be caused by prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Among the elderly, this can be as high as 66%.

The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs found at the back of the body at about the level of the waist. Each kidney holds thousands of filtering units. As our blood moves through them, they filter waste products and extra water out and these are released in our urine. On average, the kidneys filter half a cup of blood every minute.

“This World Kidney Day – marked on 14 March – let’s do all we can to raise awareness of the elements that cause risk to our kidney health. Most people aren’t aware that a wide range of medicine can cause real harm to their kidneys,” says Professor Errol Gottlich, paediatric nephrologist and head of Discovery Health Medical Scheme KidneyCare programme.

Common medications that cause harm to the kidneys are:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines commonly used to treat headaches and pain.
  • Diuretics, also known as a water tablets, are used to remove excess water and salt from the body.
  • Certain prescribed antibiotics to treat bacterial infections can increase risk of kidney disease.
  • Traditional medicines including those used in enemas have also been associated with kidney disease.
  • Herbal supplements
  • Chronic intake of alcohol and illegal drugs such as heroin, cocaine and ecstasy

Each of these categories of drugs affect the kidneys differently. For example, anti-inflammatory medicines restrict blood vessels, starving the kidneys of blood over time. Excessive alcohol intake causes severe dehydration and toxicity to the kidneys. Others, like illegal drugs, have a secondary impact on the kidneys by causing high blood pressure which can lead to kidney damage or kidney failure,” explains Prof Gottlich.

Some of us are at higher risk of kidney damage from medicines and drug-use

“The degree to which a medicine can harm us, and how fast this can happen, depends on our underlying kidney health and other personal health parameters. People with an unknown underlying kidney problem are especially at risk of damaging their kidneys further when they use any of the drugs mentioned,” adds Prof Gottlich.

Also at high risk of kidney damage from medicines that can harm the kidneys:

  • Young children
  • People over the age of 60
  • People receiving chronic treatment for cancer or autoimmune conditions
  • People with comorbid conditions such as kidney disease, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and liver dysfunction

What is kidney disease? What happens once a person develops kidney disease?

“Chronic kidney disease is an irreversible illness which causes the gradual loss of kidney function. This can cause a build up of fluids, electrolytes and waste in the body. People with late-stage kidney disease will need dialysis (treatment which replicates the kidney’s filtering function) or a kidney transplant,” says Prof Gottlich.

This disease affects more than 850 million people across the world. Currently, kidney disease is ranked as the eighth leading cause of death globally. Sub-Saharan Africa also faces major challenges with regards to chronic kidney disease with a prevalence rate of 6.4 to 8.7%.

In 2023, Discovery Health which administers 19 medical schemes, paid over R1.4 billion in claims relating to kidney disease (both acute and chronic). This is a 11.9% increase in claims paid out compared to the previous year in 2022.

In 2023, the administrator noted a 9.5% increase (from 2022) in members diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. The average member age on chronic kidney disease is 60 years old.

The most frequent causes of chronic kidney disease in Africa are closely associated with increased rates of HIV, hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Other causes of kidney disease include living with other infectious diseases, auto-immune diseases and structural abnormalities.

Know your kidney health status

“If you know you are at high risk, talk to your doctor about testing your kidney function before taking any prescription or OTC medicines,” recommends Prof Gottlich.

“Kidney function is checked with a simple urine test. If certain abnormalities are detected in your urine, your doctor will recommend for you to complete blood tests to examine your glomerular filtration rate which is used to determine whether you have a kidney condition that needs to be treated.”

Glomerular filtration rate measures filtration of blood through the kidneys. If your GFR is 90 or higher, your kidneys are functioning normally. But if the rate is below 90, especially below 60, there’s a high risk that you may have kidney disease. And if the rate is 15 or lower, this could mean kidney failure.

“If you do use prescribed or OTC medicine, stick to the instructions given to you by your doctor or pharmacist or those on the medicine package insert. All medicines should be taken only for the right reason at the right dose and for the right duration. If you are worried about the effect of certain medicines on your kidneys, speak to your doctor about your concerns.”


17. Request for Assistance from Members of the Public.

Ms/Mrs Sue Forster is asking for assistance from members of the Public regarding establishing the whereabouts of her cousins. Details of her request and appeal can be found in the image below:

Sue Forster can be contacted either via her Facebook at: or via her WhatsApp at: 0832706674



Praise is a powerful tool that can shape how a child thinks about themselves and ultimately impacts on their behaviour, motivation and self-actualization. When used mindfully, praise can help to create an affirmative, enabling learning environment and the development of a growth mindset.

An education expert says it is important to understand the dynamics of effective praise, to ensure it has the intended impact.

“As a parent/guardian or teacher, understanding the nuances of praise and the significant impact that it has on a child’s development and psyche is paramount. While praise is essential, it is equally important to encourage effort, resilience, and the development of a love of learning in the child. Combining this with a supportive environment means empowering the child and enabling them to thrive and be successful,” says Lynda Eagle, Academic Advisor at ADvTECH schools.

Lynda Eagle: Academic Advisor at ADvTECH Schools

Eagle says effective praise should be specific, celebrate effort, and emphasise practise.

“Praise should focus on the actions, rather than the innate characteristics of a child,” she says.


Being specific helps children understand what they did well, and how they can build on or extend their skills, understandings and knowledge.

“Instead of using a generic praise such as ‘good job’ it would be more impactful acknowledging the work that has been done and the effort applied – ‘I noticed how carefully you arranged those blocks when creating your pattern. Would you like to explain to me your thinking?’,” advises Eagle.

When praising a child, it is important that the adult is fully present and shows genuine interest. This fosters connections and helps build reciprocal relationships. It is an opportunity to engage with the child to share in their experiences to gain a deeper understanding of the child’s thinking.


Where a child is working towards a goal, then it is important to provide support and encouragement over time. Adults can offer praise and acknowledgement of the work that has been put into achieving the result. This highlights the fact that the effort and process in achieving the goal is as, if not more, important than the outcome.

Acknowledging that learning through our mistakes is a valid part of the learning process removes performance paralysis and inculcates a growth mindset.

“Mistakes and setbacks are seen as important learning opportunities. Praise children when they manage disappointments well and encourage them to keep trying and moving forward.”

Eagle says body language is also important.

“Using an enthusiastic tone, adopting a relaxed posture, while smiling and acknowledging the child, drives the message of support home and gives children the psychological boosts they need to continue doing their best. Take care to be sincere however, as children can sense inauthenticity and fake praise.”


It is important to remember that excess praise or praise that is not sincere, may undermine the child’s intrinsic motivation and the development of a strong internal sense of accomplishment.

Further, as noted by Carol Dweck, this may lead to the “development of a false perception regarding their true abilities and skills”. By offering praise when warranted, and providing constructive and mindful feedback when necessary, the child builds trust in the process and the support provided as they navigate their way through the various learning experiences.

Eagle says encouraging and engaging in reflective processes aids children with the recognition of what went well, what they may do differently and the next steps. This helps foster the development of self-motivation and self-assessment, and ultimately the transferring of knowledge, skills and understandings, to new and unfamiliar settings – now and in their future.

Mindful and specific praise builds trust and will have a profound impact on a child’s development.

“By mastering the art of praise, parents and teachers can inspire confidence, resilience, a growth mindset and most importantly, a love of learning in their children,” says Eagle.


19. Is it still worthwhile learning how to drive a manual car?

In many parts of the world, manual transmissions are losing their popularity. However, in South Africa, almost 50% of new car sales still feature manual gearboxes. Given the South African market, it would make sense to learn how to drive a manual car, even if automatics are easier to drive.

In Europe and the USA, the percentage of new cars sold with manual gearboxes has significantly decreased in recent years. In 2000, 89 – 95% of all new cars sold in Europe came with a manual gearbox. However, in the first half of 2023, only 32% of new cars sold came with a manual gearbox. Similarly, in the USA, over the last two years, cars with manual transmissions account for less than 1%.

This decline in manual vehicle sales is because of worsening traffic conditions in cities, the availability of more affordable automatic cars, and the increase in electric vehicle (EV) sales.

“In South Africa and many other emerging economies there’s still a substantial demand for manual vehicles,” observes Barend Smit, Marketing Director of MotorHappy, a supplier of motor management solutions. According to Lightstone data, in the first nine months of 2023, 49% of light vehicle cars sold in South Africa were manual. “Factors like affordability, reliability, driving preferences, and maybe the perception of better control or suitability for certain terrains could contribute to the continued popularity of manual cars in South Africa.

“However, this is changing rapidly, even in South Africa. According to the data, 10 years ago, 77% of the cars sold in South Africa were manual vehicles.”

While automatic cars are becoming more popular here in South Africa, it’s still useful to learn how to drive a manual car. When travelling overseas, especially in countries where manual cars are more prevalent, knowing how to drive a stick shift gives you a broader range of vehicle options and easier access to rentals. In unexpected situations where you might need to drive a friend or family member’s manual car, your knowledge and skills will come in handy.

“Many driving enthusiasts argue that manual cars offer a more engaging driving experience. You have more control over the gears, providing a deeper connection between driver and vehicle,” says Smit.

Tips for learning how to drive a manual car

Familiarise yourself with the gearbox

Get acquainted with the gearstick and its pattern. Know where reverse is, and how to get into reverse.

Understand the functions of the clutch, brake, and accelerator and practice coordinating them.

Start in an empty area

Find an empty parking lot or quiet road with minimal traffic to practice.

Practice finding the bite point of the clutch. This is the point at which the engine engages with the transmission and the car starts to move.

Practice smooth transitions

Practice shifting gears smoothly and efficiently without jerking the car.

Learn the art of downshifting to slow down without excessive use of brakes.

Be patient and persistent

Learning to drive a manual car requires patience. Don’t rush the process.

Regular practice sessions will help you build confidence and improve your skills steadily.

Get comfortable with hills

Hills can be intimidating for beginners. Practicing hill starts to master the balance between the clutch, brake, and accelerator.

Safety first

Always prioritise safety. Pay attention to your surroundings and stay vigilant while learning.

Whether for travel convenience or the joy of driving, learning to handle a manual car can be rewarding. With patience, practice, and a commitment to safety, mastering the manual transmission can open doors to a world of driving possibilities.


20. ‘n Nuwe era vir Afrikaans sien die lig! / A new era for Afrikaans sees the light!

Afrikaanse kykers (en liefhebbers van Afrikaanse inhoud) kan uitsien na splinternuwe boeiende en opwindende stories met die bekendstelling van se eerste plaaslik vervaardigde Afrikaanse daaglikse drama., in samewerking met KFilms, werk reeds ‘n jaar lank aan hierdie daaglikse drama en het in Januarie 2024 met verfilming begin naby Franschhoek.

“Die eMedia oorgeklankte Afrikaanse inhoud is baie goed ontvang deur ‘n groot verskeidenheid van gehore regoor Suid-Afrika, en ons is opgewonde om iets eie aan Suid-Afrika aan ons gehoor te bied waarmee hulle sal kan vereenselwig en resoneer,” sê Helga Palmer, Groephoof van Inhoud Ontwikkeling by “Daar is ‘n groot aanvraag vir plaaslike Afrikaanse inhoud en eMedia het geluister na sy Afrikaans-sprekende gehoor. Ons bied hulle KELDERS VAN GEHEIME, se eerste plaaslik vervaardigde daaglikse drama, in reaksie tot hul stemme. Die reeks sal nostalgie teweeg bring met die Afrikaanse legendes wat deel is van die rolverdeling, maar dit bring ook vars gesigte, nuwe talent, en ‘n ander wêreld wat nog nooit verken is in ons plaaslike daaglikse dramas nie. Ons sien uit daarna om iets nuut en opwindend aan ons geliefde gehoor te bied.”

KELDERS VAN GEHEIME fokus op die intriges van drie huisgesinne wat hul brood en botter – en ‘n glas wyn!  – verdien op ‘n wynplaas in die Kaap. Die rolverdeling van die reeks, asook ‘n reeksopsomming, sal later in die maand bekend gemaak word.

Vuyelwa Booi, hoof van plaaslike programme vir, is opgewonde om nog Afrikaans by te voeg tot die kanaal se rooster van kykgenot. “In die laaste paar weke is die aanbod vir Afrikaanse liefhebbers drasties verminder – en dit het die geleentheid versterk wat ons vroeg verlede jaar geidentifiseer het. is trots daarop om ook ‘n eg Suid-Afrikaanse daagikse drama by sy aanbod te voeg – en ‘n huis vir Afrikaanse kykers te bied.

KFilms se Karen Meiring en Theltom Masimila, is hard aan die werk om die reeks te vervaardig. “Ons is opgewonde om lekker stories na die baie lojale Afrikaanse kyker te bring,” sê Meiring.

“Ek en Karen is passievol daaroor om gehore volle toegang tot plaaslik vervaardigde Afrikaanse inhoud te bied – en het dit nou moontlik gemaak!” sê Masimila. “Hierdie nuwe daaglikse drama is ‘n storie vir almal. Die fokus van die reeks is op die plaasgemeenskap en die aard van wyn-boerdery – en word op ‘n werkende plaas geskiet waar dinge letterlik en figuurlik warm raak!” verklap Masimila. “

KELDERS VAN GEHEIME sal eksklusief op geniet kan word van Maandag tot Vrydag – en kykers kan die eerste episode van hierdie nuwe opwindende Afrikaanse daaglikse drama op die kleinskerm verwag in Mei.

Afrikaanse viewers (and lovers of Afrikaans content) can look forward to brand new compelling and exciting viewing stories to viewers with the introduction of’s first locally produced Afrikaans daily drama., in partnership with KFilms, has been working on this daily drama for the past year, which started filming in January 2024 near Franschhoek.

“The eMedia dubbed Afrikaans content has been very well received by a wide variety of audiences across South Africa, and we are excited to be able to offer our audience something authentically South African that they can relate and resonate with,” says Helga Palmer, Group Head of Content Development at ‘There is a huge demand for local Afrikaans content and eMedia has listened to the Afrikaans-speaking audience, and in response we offer them, KELDERS VAN’s very first original locally produced daily drama. The show will bring nostalgia with the Afrikaans legends we have as part of our cast, but it also brings fresh faces, new talent, and a different world that has never been explored in our local daily dramas. We look forward to offering our beloved audience something new and exciting to look forward to.”

KELDERS VAN GEHEIME focuses on the intrigues of three households that earn their bread and butter – and a glass of wine! – on a wine farm in the Cape. The cast and an overview of the daily drama will be revealed later in this month.

Vuyelwa Booi, head of local programming at, is excited to add more Afrikaans to the channel’s roster of offerings. “In the last few weeks the offering to lovers of Afrikaans has been drastically reduced – and this has strengthened the opportunity that we identified early on last year. is proud to add a truly South African daily drama to its showcase – and to offer Afrikaans viewers a home.

KFilms’ Karen Meiring and Theltom Masimila are hard at work producing the series. “We are excited to bring ‘lekker’ stories to the very loyal Afrikaans audience,” says Meiring.

“Karen and I are passionate about bringing audiences full access to locally produced Afrikaans content – and has now made it possible!” says Masimila. “This new

daily drama is a story for everyone. The focus of the show is on the farming community and the nature of wine farming – and is filmed on an existing working farm where things get really hot, literally and figuratively speaking!”

KELDERS VAN GEHEIME can be enjoyed exclusively on from Mondays to Fridays – and viewers can catch the first episode of this exciting new Afrikaans daily drama on the small screen in May.


21. A Message from the Volksrust Recorder.

Dear All,

Towards the end of this year 2024, the website of the Volksrust Recorder will be moving. We are informing you well in advance. Due to the rising costs associated with running a website of this nature and size and given the fact that there is again, not enough finances coming in to settle the ongoing and outstanding bills associated with Online Publication. The website will be a free one and each article will posted from and in our Facebook Group with a link to the article being published on the free website. Thus, the free website and our Facebook Group will always work hand in hand. Rather than confine the name of the Volksrust Recorder to the dustbin of history after more than 100 years of being in existence, we are forced and determined to go down this route in order to keep the name of the Volksrust Recorder alive.

We will inform you in a few months the link to the new and free website.

The Admin Team of the Volksrust Recorder.
